Manguaguan na Palabran Si Yuus – God's Precious Words
Lumuhû (April) 3, 2005

Fatinas mauleg na trongcon jayo, yan y tinegchaña mauleg; pat fatinas taelaye na trongcon jayo, yan taelaye
y tinegchaña; sa pot y tinegchaña, y jayo esta matungo. O rasan culebla! jafa taemano jamyo na manaelaye siña
manguentos mauleg, lo sa gui minegae y guaja gui corason, sinasangan y pachot.

Y mauleg na taotao, nu y mauleg na güinaja gui corasonña, mauleg chinileleña; lao y taelaye na taotao, nu y
taelaye na güinaja gui corasonña, taelaye chinileleña. Lao guajo sumangane jamyo, na todo y finijo na taesetbe
ya jasasangan y taotao sija, janesesita ufanmannae cuenta gui jaanin y sentensia.

Sa pot y finomo na unmanatunas jao,
yan pot y finomo na unmasentensia jao.” Mateo 12:33-37.

A Bowl of Flattened Peaches - the Galaxy Peach, a Member of the Peento Peach Family. Photo Credit: Peggy Greb (, K10770-1), Agricultural Research Service (ARS,, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA,, Government of the United States of America (USA).
A Bowl of Flattened Peaches – the Galaxy Peach, a Member of the Peento Peach Family

“Sa Pot y Tinegchaña, y Jayo Esta Matungo.” Mateo 12:33

Photo Credit (Full size): Peggy Greb (, K10770-1), Agricultural Research Service (ARS,, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA,, Government of the United States of America (USA).

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