Manguaguan na Palabran Si Yuus – God's Precious Words
Magmámao (Mayo) 10, 2005

Ya anae manescapa esta, ayonae matungo na y isla naanña Melita. Ya y taotao ti mangilisyano,
jafamaulegjam: sa manmanotne guafe ya jaresibejam cada uno, sa pot y ichan, yan y manenggeng. Ya anae
janafandaña si Pablo y palitun jayo, ya jamanojo ya japolo gui jilo y guate, jumuyong un vibora guinin
y maipe, ya cheton gui canaeña. Ya anae malie ni y taotao ti mangilisyano y beneno na gâgâ na umacalaye
gui canaeña, manasangane ilegñija: Este na taotao pegno, masqueseaja umescapa gui tase; lao ti upinelo
ni y inenog na ulâlâ.

Ya jasacude y gâgâ guato gui jalom guafe, ya ti ninalamen.” Y Checho Sija 28:1-5.

Exercising Caution and Respect When Approaching the Alert and Deadly Venomous Spotted Cobra, May 1, 1996. Nakhon Si Thammarat, Republik Indonesia - Republic of Indonesia. Photo Credit: Petty Officer 2nd Class Gloria J. Barry of the United States Navy (USN), DefenseLINK News Photos - Exercise Cobra Gold '96 ('Royal Thai Army instructor uses a cobra to demonstrate jungle survival skills',, 960501-N-4541B-001), United States Department of Defense (DoD, or, Government of the United States of America (USA).

Exercising Caution and Respect When Approaching the Alert and
Deadly Venomous Spotted Cobra, May 1, 1996
Nakhon Si Thammarat, Republik Indonesia – Republic of Indonesia

Photo Credit (Full size): Petty Officer 2nd Class Gloria J. Barry of the United States Navy (USN), DefenseLINK News Photos - Exercise Cobra Gold '96 ("Royal Thai Army instructor uses a cobra to demonstrate jungle survival skills",, 960501-N-4541B-001), United States Department of Defense (DoD, or, Government of the United States of America (USA).

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