Mrs. Price (Sarah Jane Freeborn) born Winterset, Iowa [USA] Dec. [December] 1, 1855; prof. rel. [professed religion: made a public profession of her religious experience; now counted as an authentic Christian.] 1866; studied at Oberlin, O. [Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio, USA] ; mar. [married Francis Marion Price] Milroy, Ind. [Indiana, USA]; emb. [embarked] Sept. [September] 6, 1883; arr. [arrived] Tai-yuen-fu Nov. [November] [1883]; returned to U.S. [USA] arr. [arrived] Nov. [November] 25, 1884; released Mar. [March] 24, 1885. Re-appt'd [Reappointed] Dec. [December] 14, 1887; emb. [embarked] with Dr. and Mrs. Osborne from San Francisco [California, USA] Aug. [August] 23, 1887; returned to U.S. [USA] arr. [arrived] San Francisco [California, USA] July 9, 1890. Transferred to Micronesia Jan. [January] 15, 1894. Died Aug. [August] 2, 1916. He [Francis Marion Price] married 1918 Mrs. Jennie Reeves, living in Berkeley 1937 [California, USA].
Note : Documents signed by Francis M. Price are available at Oberlin College Archives: Alumni Records (RG 28) and Treasurer's Office (RG 7) Files: Francis Marion Price, Oberlin College Archives,, Mudd Center, Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio, USA. Selected records are also available at Francis Marion Price (1850-1937),