Manguaguan na Palabran Si Yuus – God's Precious Words
Chamorro  ·  English

Umáyañggan (Disiémbre) 2011

O Jeova, Señotmame, jafa muna mauleg y naanmo gui todo y tano: ni y unpolo y minalagmo
gui jilo y langet. Guinin pachot y mandiquique yan y mañususo nae unpolo
y minetgot? Pot y enimigumo sija: sa para unnasuja y enimigo yan y umeemog.

Anae julie y langetmo, ni y checho y calolotmo, y pilan yan y pution, ni jago pumolo; Jaye y taotao, para uguaja guiya
güiya jinaso? yan lajin taotao para ubinesita güe. Sa unfatinas didide diquiqueña qui y angjeles, ya uncorona güe
ni y minalag yan inenra. Unnafanmagas todo ni checho y canaemo: todo unpolo gui papa y adengña. Y quinilo yan y
nobiyo todo ayo: taegüenaoja y gâgâ ni gaegue gui fangualuan. Y pajaro gui langet, yan y güijan gui tase:
ya jafaja ni manmalolofan gui chalan y tase.

O Jeova, Señotmame: jafa muna mauleg y naanmo gui todo y tano.” Salmo 8.
(Josephine Chargualaf Varley, Narrator, Salmo 8).

Earth's Atmospheric Limb, Comet Lovejoy, and the Stars, December 21, 2011, As Seen From the International Space Station (Expedition 30). Photo Credit: Daniel C. Burbank, NASA Astronaut; International Space Station (, ISS030-E-014350 (, NASA Human Space Flight (, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA,, Government of the United States of America.
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Earth's Atmospheric Limb, Comet Lovejoy, and the Stars
December 21, 2011
As Seen From the International Space Station (Expedition 30)

Photo Credit (Full size OriginalLocal copy, Huge, Large, Medium, or Other): Daniel C. Burbank, NASA Astronaut; International Space Station (, ISS030-E-014350 (, NASA Human Space Flight (, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA,, Government of the United States of America.

The Manguaguan na Palabran Si Yuus Archive
The Great Earthquake and Catastrophic Tsunami of 2004
The Spectacular Clouds of the Transonic Flight Regime
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